Cheshire Art Agencies present a new range of works from Liverpool based painter, Bob Goldsborough, depicting stars of popular culture set into renaissance and rococco themed works.
Already a familiar face to many in Liverpool's vibrant art world, Bob has been working as a professional artist since the 1980's, accumulating a reputation for his stunning blending of traditional and contemporary styles. Arguably best known for his representations of the Liverpool skyline and pop-art works, we achieved a great success with Bob’s recent lines of work, and are thrilled to unveil several new stellar additions to his burgeoning range (all detailed below) as we look further ahead into the future.
Speaking about his versatility as a painter, Bob says: "As an artist I would consider myself to be more of a traveller than a settler, something of a tourist passing through. I’ve been for instance through De Kooning county, around Pollock Place, up Stella Street, around Picasso Piazza, along Hodgkin High Street and Hitchens Hill, and many other places in between. I’ve no intention though of taking up residence in any of them, however interesting they might be. I’m searching for my own place. These latest paintings of mine represent a stage on this ongoing journey rather than any definable destination. They are inventions, not cover versions. An exploration, not a discovery. A question, not a conclusion".
Please click on the images below to view the artist’s gallery in full. If viewing on a mobile or tablet device, please tap the white dot in the bottom right corner in order to view information on the works.